1) Take a critical look at your current capabilities.
Do you even have a marketing team and if so, is that bench both deep and wide? If you're a sole proprietor, you should stop fooling yourself into thinking you'll find the time to tackle your marketing needs someday. Someday means way down the road when growth opportunities have passed you by. If you have a marketing team, what do they cover? Marketing is more than selling or direct response or advertising. Do you have the right people ensuring
- the product set is optimal?
- there is a pipeline for new products or services?
- consumer insights are being mined?
- messaging is on target?
- the pricing structure is sound?
- sales tactics make sense?
- product/service delivery meets customer expectations?
- brand delivery is consistent?
Surely, this is beyond marketing, you say. Actually this is just the tip of the iceberg for stellar marketing teams.
2) Be discerning about who gets on the team.
Time trials and psychological profiles would be overboard, but shouldn't you make sure you have the best people in the right roles? Just because someone has ten years of direct response experience, it doesn't mean that she is your best bet for handling social media. Similarly, that graphic design agency that also purports to be brand experts may not actually fit the bill. Because marketing is such a wide and compartmentalized discipline, it is critical that you look for specific expertise and skills in the area that needs addressing. In the same way combat strategy fell to Captain America or Allison Schmitt is responsible for the freestyle leg, every team member should have a clear role based on a true area of expertise. Don't be put off by so-called one-trick ponies. Sometimes, you need McKayla Maroney to come to London just to do the vault.
3) Set clear expectations and then let them do their thing.
Make sure your team clearly understands the mandate. Specifically spell out objectives, KPIs, deliverables, parameters, etc. Give your team your full support and then get out the way. If you've done a great job in assembling the marketing team, you can rest assured they'll bring you the gold.